However, I keep it in perspective. I've got to. I know all too well the dangers of trying to force summer before its time. Here's the proof:

See the perplexed, almost distraught look on that face? That's the look of a girl who has learned that Sun-In is not to be trusted, particularly not the dangerous combination of Sun-In, hairdryer, and dark hair. You see, believe it or not, my hair isn't really orange. Never has been, as far back as I can remember. For one thing, I just don't think this particular shade of orange even exists in nature. It exists in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, as the color of an Oompa Loompa.
So, no forcing summer. I'll let it get here in its own sweet time. But, if you hear me mention wanting to try something "fun" with my hair, please throw a stinkin' net over me and save me from myself!
My net is ready :)
Good. Somebody better keep an eye on me. Can't trust my mom for that. She's the one who let me get the Sun-In!
I completely forgot about Sun-In. Now I recall that I used to not only use that, but also squeezed lemon juice and peroxide on my hair and went to sit in the sun with that stuff on my head. And they wonder why I'm crazy...