Friday, February 19, 2010

business in front, party in back

Methodist Church Camp. Tucked away in the forests of East Texas is little camp where Methodist kids go to spend the week singing songs, attending vespers, and putting on skits of dubious quality.

During my childhood stint as a Methodist, I was one such happy camper. And, fortunately for us all, I can provide photographic proof.

In case you can't tell, I'm the lil' darling on the far right. Now, looking at this picture, a couple of thoughts come to mind.

Surely there was a camp dress code.
Surely that dress code was enforced.

Then how do we explain what I am wearing? My only answer is this. Even the strictest dress code could not have prevented the outfit you see before you because nobody could have predicted that a child would show up wearing a light yellow Land's End sweater with a white plastic diaper cover. I mean, nobody. Nor would anyone guess that the child would choose to pair said outfit with a pair of teal socks with polar bears on them. Polar bears wearing red vests. Because what polar bear doesn't wear a red vest? It's stinkin' cold where polar bears live!

However, I guess it's not so much the clothing choice that bothers me as it is the hair. The hair, people. It's a mullet. A business in front, party in back mullet. The hairdresser (who ran a lovely shop out of her garage) so kindly referred to it as a "pixie cut." I was assured that it was adorable, but I knew the truth. Perhaps it's that haircut that led to my poor fashion choice that day. It's like I just said, "Okay, world, I'm 11 years old, and I've just given up. I'm gonna put on a diaper cover and a sweater just in case you think I don't mean it. I've truly given up."

1 comment:

  1. LOLOLOL! I love you for writing these. And I totally cannot believe our parents let us wear plastic diaper covers as a coming of age thing. Perhaps it was their fear about us starting - perhaps the diaper covers would be similar to our babyhood and hold it in. The hair - I have no comment on the hair as I have SO MANY AWFUL pictures of my own in such lovely styles. :) I'll post one day and you'll have to assist with my commentary.
